Caring for a Bird of Paradise


Birds of Paradise prefer soil that is consistently moist but not waterlogged. Allow the top 2 to 3 inches of soil to dry out between waterings, but ensure the lower levels remain slightly moist. Avoid letting the soil dry out completely, but also be cautious not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. In brighter, hotter spots you will need to water more often.


The Bird of Paradise can handle both direct and bright indirect light. However, it thrives best in a sunny location with direct sunlight. It WILL NOT tolerate low light. If you do not have the proper lighting in your home, you will need a grow light.


Bird of Paradises enjoy a well-draining soil. An ideal potting soil mix consists of materials like peat, perlite, or sand to ensuring proper drainage and aeration. This type of soil promotes healthy root development and prevents waterlogging.

Temperature & Humidity

The Bird of Paradise thrives in average indoor temperatures ranging from 65 to 80°F.

Bird of Paradise plants thrive best in moderate to high humidity levels, ideally around 50% or higher, but they can tolerate lower humidity common in indoor environments. To enhance humidity, place the plant near a humidifier, group it with other plants, or mist its leaves regularly. Ensure proper watering and avoid exposing it to drafts or vents to maintain optimal humidity levels for healthy growth.


In the spring and summer months, fertilize your Bird of Paradise plant once a month. However, during the winter when the plant's growth naturally slows down, refrain from fertilizing as it is not necessary.


Bird of Paradise is considered toxic to humans and pets if ingested.